Jutra u Hrvatskoj su stvarno hladna, ali nedostajat će mi!

Hej Varaždinci! Ovo je moja deseta objava na blogu i moram vam reći da kući odlazim za dva tjedna. Sigurna sam da ću se vratiti uskoro u posjet, barem na dva ili tri tjedna!

3. prosinca 2016.

Danas je u 8 ujutro u Varaždin stigao moj brat. Dobro, ne baš u 8, stoga sam ga morala čekati sat vremena na hladnoći. Jutra u Hrvatskoj su stvarno hladna!

Kad je stigao, ostavio je svoje stvari u Studentskom domu i poslije toga išli smo u šetnju gradom. Šetali smo ulicama te smo posjetili Stari grad.

Budući da je bilo sunčano, odlučili smo sjesti na terasu u kafić i nešto popiti. S obzirom na to da smo bili smo gladni, otišli smo u pekaru i kupili dvije male pizze, koje baš i nisu bile tako male, više kao trećina velike pizze.

Nakon što smo pojeli ‘male’ pizze, otišli smo na Trg Miljenka Stančića i naručili smo Ožujsko pivo – kako bi moj brat probao jednu od hrvatskih piva. Divno smo se proveli – uz razgovor i smijeh.

Teško mi je biti potpuno svoja govoreći jezik koji nije moj materinski jezik, jer ne mogu izreći neke šale koje bi inače rekla na Katalanskom. Bilo mi je drago što ponovno mogu biti ‘ja’ pričajući s bratom.

Nakon toga posjetili smo Dravu i tamo smo proveli ostatak jutra šetajući po šumi i obali rijeke gledajući kako patkice uživaju u suncu.

Kad smo došli u Dom nismo radili ništa, osim što smo pogledali neke glupe videe na Youtube-u uz hranu. On je bio jako umoran, tako da nam je trebalo malo odmora.

Poslije smo odlučili otići u Lumini u Cinestar. Tamo smo pogledali film Doctor Strange. Film je bio jako dobar i stvarno smo se dobro proveli (puno bolje nego u gradu, smrzavajući se na cesti).

Nakon što je film završio, čekajući bus, obišli smo dućane. Ne znam zašto, ali predzadnji autobus za Lumini je u 18 i 30, a sljedeći nakon toga je tek u 21 i 20!

Kupila sam poklone koje ću uzeti sa sobom kući, a bratu sam kupila čizme koje mu stvarno trebaju. To je bio uranjeni božićni poklon!

Kad smo se vratili u grad, otišli smo u Pečenjarnicu ‘Super Ćevap’. Hrana je bila ukusna, ali možda malo prevelika porcija za večeru! I naravno, brat je jednostavno morao kušati pivo Tomislav!

Vratili smo se u Dom da ostavimo svoje stvari kako bismo otišli u Slobodu na koncert ili u Elephant na party, ali moj brat je ipak odlučio ostati doma, budući da je noć prije 7 sati proveo u autobusu. Pričali smo, pogledali epizodu serije Walking Dead i otišli spavati kako bismo bili sposobni za štogod sljedeći dan.

4. prosinca 2016.

Danas nismo ustali baš rano, ali otišli smo prošetati okićenim gradom kako bismo uživali u Adventu te smo obišli neke dućane. Nakon toga otišli smo na Varaždinsko groblje i tamo smo dugo šetali. Iako je bilo sunčano, bilo je užasno hladno.

Nakon toga, otišli smo u August na ručak. Neki ljubazan čovjek preveo nam je meni. Moj brat naručio je piletinu s dimljenim sirom i umak od papra, koji je bio nevjerojatno ukusan. Ja sam naručila njoke sa sirom i piletinom, koji su isto bili ukusni. Popili smo bocu crnog vina.

Poslije ručka otišli smo u centar i tamo smo se našli s Guillaumeom i Helminom (njegovom djevojkom, koja je također došla na nekoliko dana u Varaždin).

Otišli smo u Office na jedno piće i tamo smo ostali cijelo poslijepodne, pričajući o igrama za ispijanje alkoholnih pića i političkim razlikama u našim zemljama.

Guillaume i Helmine otišli su navečeru, a brat i ja smo otišli po hranu u fast food restoran Jummy. U Domu smo pogledali još jednu epizodu serije Walking Dead uz večeru. Nakon toga, otpratila sam svog brata na autobusnu stanicu.

Vrijeme koje sam provela s bratom je prebrzo prošlo i sada sam malo tužna. Nadam se da je sa sobom poveo lijepa sjećanja. Mislim da mu se sviđa mirnoća grada Varaždina.

6. prosinca 2016.

Danas sam posjetila mnoga događanja! Znam da je danas dan Svetog Nikole i da je taj dan ovdje poseban, kao primjerice u Njemačkoj i Belgiji, no mi u Španjolskoj uopće ne slavimo taj dan.

Moram napomenuti i to kako je ujutro, kad sam se probudila, sve bilo bijelo tako da sam isprva mislila da pada snijeg, ali prevarila sam se! To je bio led. Nikada nisam vidjela da su, osim trave, zaleđene i zgrade, drveća, ulice… Sve je u malenoj dozi bilo zaleđeno. U zraku je bila božićna atmosfera!

Prvo sam išla u Opću bolnicu Varaždin gdje je sveti Nikola djeci podijelio poklone. Bilo je lijepo vidjeti da će djeca dobiti igračke i slatkiše tako da im boravak u bolnici bude ljepši…

Nakon toga, Anja I ja uzele smo izjave mladih prometnika, koji su pazili na sigurnost u prometu, zapisujući prekršaje ili loše ponašanje u prometu.

Navečer sam otišla s Monikom na otvorenje izložbe profesora Srednje strukovne škole, a poslije toga na Kapucinski trg na koncert Mindmillsa i Detoura. Mislim da sam napravila jako dobre fotografije, iako su mi se ruke skoro smrzle.

To je sve zasad! Uskoro ću morati napisati svoj zadnji blog i biti ću tužna…

Hi Varazdin’s people! That’s my 10th entry of the blog and I’ll be leaving in two weeks… But I’m so sure I’m coming back soon to spend two or three days and visit you all again!


Today my brother has arrived at 8 in the morning. Well, not really eight so I’ve been waiting like one hour in the freezing cold of Croatian’s mornings!
When he arrived we came to the dorm to leave the things and then we went for a walk to the city. We went to see the streets and also to the Stari grad.
Since it was really sunny we decided to stop at a terrace and drink something. But we were a bit hungy so we went to a bakery and we ordered two mini pizzas, discovering they had nothing to do with the word “mini”, because they were like one third of a familiar size pizza.

After buying the “mini” giant pizza, we went to Trg Miljenka Stančića and drank an Ozujsko so my brother can taste some of the Croatian beers. We spent a really nice time there, talking and laughing and making some jokes.
For me it’s kind of difficult to be exactly like the real me in a language that’s not mine, so I lose a lot of jokes that I’ll surely say if I was speaking in Catalan. So it felt nice to be like “myself” again.

Then we went walking to Drava river, where we spent the rest of the morning, walking in the forest and watching the ducks and enjoying the sun.

Then we went home and spent some time doing nothing, just watching some stupid videos on Youtube and eating lunch. He was really tired so we enjoyed of some time doing nothing.
After that, we decided to go to Lumini and see Doctor Strange in the cinema. So we went there, bought the tickets and waited for the movie to start. The film was actually quite good and we had a great time there (it was better than the frozen cold of the streets), and then we spent some time around the shops waiting for the next bus. Because, I don’t know why, but the buses to Lumini stop at 18:30 and then don’t start until 21:20!

So we went shopping for a while, I bought some presents to take back home and I also bought my brother a pair of boots, that he really needed. As an advanced Christmas gift!
After that we came back to Varazdin and went to have dinner to the Pečenjarnica “Super Ćevap”. It was really good but maybe too much for dinner! And so my brother got to taste Tomislav beer!

So then we decided to come back home and leave everything that we were carrying and then go out to the concert in Sloboda or maybe to the party in Elephant. But my brother had spent 7 hours in a bus the night before, so finally we decided to stay home, talk for a while, see an episode of The Walking Dead, and then go to sleep to do something the next day.


Today we didn’t wake up really early but we went out in the morning to walk through Varazdin for a while, see the Advent decorations and the shops and then we went to the Cemetery, and did a long walk there. Even though it was sunny it was freezing cold.
Then we came back to Varazdin and went to have lunch to Augustus. The same nice guy from the other times translated to us the menu. My brother ordered some chicken stuffed with smoked cheese and pepper sauce (which was incredibly delicious) and I ordered nyokis with cheese and chicken, which were also very very good. And we drank a bottle of red wine.

After lunch we went to the center again and there we met with Guillaume and Helmine (his girlfriend, who was also spending three days here in Varazdin).
We went for a drink to the Office and finally it wasn’t obviously just a drink, so we stayed there almost all afternoon, talking about drinking games, differences between our countries of politics.

Then Guillaume and Helmine left to have dinner and we went to Jummy food to take something fast to eat. We watched another episode of The Walking Dead while having dinner and then I went to the bus station to wait for the bus with my brother.
The time with him went so fast that now I’m a little bit sad! But I hope he took with him a good memory and I think he also liked the quietness of Varazdin.


Today I did a lot of events! I understand that today it’s St. Nicholas, so it’s a special day here in Croatia and some other places like Germany and Belgium, but we don’t celebrate this in Spain.
Also I have to say that when I woke up everything was white so at first I thought it was snow, but no! It was all frozen. I never saw something like that, not only the grass, the buildings, the trees, the streets, everything had a tiny amount of freeze that made it look a lot like Christmas!

So since it was the 6th of December, first we went to the hospital to cover an event of St. Nicholas going to the kids hospital and bringing them presents. It was nice to see that they will get toys and sweets even though they have to be in a hospital…
After that we went for a walk in the city and interviewed some of the guys that were looking to the cars and writing down if they did some infraction or bad driving behavior.

Then in the afternoon I went with Monica to the opening of an exhibition and after that we went to Kapucinski trg to The Mindmills and Detour concert, and I’m really happy with the pictures I made, even though I thought I was going to lose my hands with the cold!
And that’s all for now.. Soon enough I’ll have to write the last entry and I’ll be sad…

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